

tat teach buddha ei teacher ah...very noob
ask us y our result so bad
n say wat we duno 2nd line of rukun negara n bendera
say our class juz 5 ppl get correct!!!!
u noob la...no c probably
juz use hear...hear cn everytime oso right one ar?
we say our result so bad cz keep chi ke so late
until 2.20pm!!!! my dad cnt fetch me la
always chi ke nia....my dad ko late come le
oso is skul wrong...chi ke is ok...
bt las time old skul ei chi ke oso no so late ei
oso skul la...duno y all the 上课时间 add more 5 min!!!!
like tis ah...go bac le oso tired la
who will think ur exam!!! xD
we say our problem....bt she ko like dun wan choi us
ko say hw we juz cn study hard all subject include her buddha

